Wednesday, October 11, 2006

India's Child Workers

It is estimated that there are 40 million children working at homes and roadside restaurants all over India. Most of them don't go to school, and are paid less than a dollar a day for up to 14 hours of hard labour a day.

Many are subject to all manner of abuse. Many of them work to clear debts of their parents and relatives...and are bonded to work till the debt is cleared.

Their childhood is pawned...for a few hundred rupees.

There is a new law now...that bans employment of children at homes, restaurants and the hospitality industry. There are prison terms and fines defined for violators.

But is the new law good enough to bring these children to school, to give them proper nutrition...a shot at getting their share of the new India.

Not really.

The government's plan to rehabilitate these children is clearly deficient. There are not enough schools, rehabilitation centers or child care homes to cater to the influx.

Many will end up on the streets...vulnerable to ever more exploitation.

The responsibility of implementing this law has been put on labour inspectors. Many of them are known to be corrupt and insensitive to the special needs of children.

It is important to create an awareness in middle class neighbourhoods and road side eateries...on why it is a crime to employ children.

Not because there is a law against it...but because it steals the most precious thing from a child...his childhood.

The Bachpan Bachao Andolan is spearheading such a campaign. At their home for rescued child workers in Delhi...I saw hope.

Kids here are provided a secure environment, education, medical attention and training in a skill that will help them as adults.

But it will take years before all child workers in India are rehabilitated.

( Photo : Rajesh Sundaram)

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