Saturday, September 16, 2006

Choco Pie Loves Hot Chocolate Fudge: Feeding Him is Fun Too

Choco Pie is just 5 months old and does not care too much about the calories he consumes.
So every Saturday evening he calls up Nirula's and askes them to deliver "Hot Chocolate Fudge."

There a million calories in there but this cat cares a rat's ass about that.

"Did you tip the delivery boy well" he asked me after a cupfull.

"I gave him a tenner" I said.

"Good boy " he said.

(Photo : Rajesh Sundaram)


Anonymous said...

lucky cat. he doesnt have to care too much about calories. kash main bhi billi hota. zz

Anonymous said...

He must have forgotten a fish.

Anonymous said...

Why have you taken off Zain?Post more of him maybe in a series like this cat.Ask him to contribute to your blog.I really wanna see the guy speak.......................................................