Sunday, August 20, 2006

SL Government Press Release on SLMM Restructuring

(Full Unedited Text)

Government Press Release

Saturday, 19 August 2006

Sri Lanka Welcomes Decision by Iceland to Increase SLMM Monitors

The Government of Sri Lanka strongly welcomes the decision by the Government of Iceland to increase the Icelandic contingent to the SLMM by more than double its present strength in order to meet the current situation.

The Government of Iceland has remained steadfast in its commitment to the Sri Lankan peace process and the decision to increase the contribution by Iceland is a further demonstration and confirmation of its continued support to peace in Sri Lanka.

The Government appreciates the efforts taken by the Royal Norwegian Government to reinforce the institutional structure of the SLMM which is a critical element in maintaining the current Ceasefire.

The Government of Sri Lanka recognizes the significant contributions made by Sweden, Finland and Denmark in the evolution of the SLMM over the last four years. The Government notes with great appreciation that these three countries will continue to contribute towards the operations of the SLMM, though they have been prevented from contributing personnel by an arbitrary decision of the LTTE.

It is important to recognize as a matter of principle that Sweden, Finland and Denmark did not withdraw its personnel from the SLMM because they are members of the European Union. The decision by these countries to withdraw its personnel was taken because the LTTE arbitrary withdrew the security guarantee to a selective group of countries in the SLMM.

In terms of Article 3.9 of the Ceasefire Agreement, both the GOSL and the LTTE provided a comprehensive security guarantee to the SLMM. In terms of the Ceasefire Agreement the comprehensive security guarantee can not be withdrawn in a selective or fragmented manner to any specific group or country. It is therefore deplorable that the LTTE created such a situation resulting in the regrettable decision of some Monitors having to leave the SLMM.

The Government will continue to support the work of the strengthened SLMM and continue to provide security guarantees for all members of the SLMM including those from EU countries. The Government calls upon the LTTE to desist from using extraneous political and propaganda issues to undermine the operations of the SLMM.

Anusha Palpita
Director of Government Information

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