Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Frames from Greenville, North Carolina

Judy Beaudreau has sent me this rather delicious slice of Greenville, North Carolina. The pictures are awesome. The architecture and the way it has been shot is lovely. Please do leave comments.

Brand spanking new greenville city hall

Jarvis Memorial United Methodist Church

Science and Technology Department, East Carolina University

Dorms on campus of ECU

A school campus in Greenville
Here is what I googled about the place...enjoy.

Greenville is located in the north central coastal plain region of Eastern North Carolina, approximately 85 miles east of Raleigh, the capital city of North Carolina.

Greenville is approximately 87 miles west of the Atlantic Ocean and approximately 265 miles south of our nation's capital, Washington, DC.

The City of Greenville has a population of 68,977. The cost of living for Greenville is 94.9% as per the 2002 Second Quarter ACCRA Survey.

School buses on the Campus

( Photo : Judy Beaudreau http://happilyeverafterthedivorce.blogspot.com/ , )

1 comment:

Judy said...

Yay Greenville! I was just noticing something weird about my pics--where are all the people?