Thursday, September 14, 2006

Sri Lankan Governent Sets Conditions for Talks

Statement by the Secretariat for Coordinating the Peace Process

SCOPP Media Release13 September 2006

The Government is appreciative of the efforts made by the Co-chair members to resume peace talks. The Government reaffirms the declaration of President Mahinda Rajapaksa on 22 August 2006, following a meeting with the Co-Chair Ambassadors in Sri Lanka that the Government remains ready to engage in talks with the LTTE following a clear commitment by the LTTE Leader to a comprehensive and verifiable cessation of hostilities.

The Government is pleased that the Co-Chair members have endorsed this approach and stated that the LTTE must abide by all agreements and renounce terrorism and violence.

The Government notes with great concern certain elements of the Co-Chair statement of 12 September 2006. The procedural irregularities of the statement in making commitments regarding dates and venue without prior consultation with the Government.

The Government deeply regrets that the statement contains factual inaccuracies such as the alleged bombing of a school in Mullaitivu which is grossly misleading.It is important to note that the peace process in Sri Lanka is conducted between a democratically elected government of a sovereign State and an armed group practicing terrorism.

It has been the experience in the past that the LTTE has always used peace talks as a period to enhance its military capabilities. The Government hopes that the Co-Chairs and the Facilitator will do the utmost to ensure that the past practices of the LTTE are not repeated in this instance. In this regard, the Government would urge the international community to put in place a practical mechanism to prevent the illegal procurement of arms and an effective blockade to the induction of weapons by the LTTE.

This is an essential element to ensure a successful progression towards a political settlement.While the Government notes the above concerns, it remains fully committed to participate at peace talks with the LTTE. However, the specific modalities relating to dates and venue must be discussed and agreed between the Government of Sri Lanka and the Facilitator.

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