Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Poem by Rajesh Sundaram

Unchartered Unease

Measure of love

Measure of truth

Measure of trust

Measure of faith

Benchmarks do exist somewhere
Do I care ?

Chasing the mirage of perfection
...in an imperfect world

Guided towards unchartered waters...by an unsteady impulse

Expectations...from either side
ending in despair

Silence...hides the unease
or does it?
(Photo : Rajesh Sundaram)


Unknown said...

Hi Rajesh,

This is Ritwik. I simply had no idea about your poetic inclinations. Anyway, I enjoyed your poems and your blog. By the way, who is your favourite poet? My guess is: T S Eliot.

RS said...

Thank you for the comment Ritwik...nice to hear from you after such a long time. My favourite Poet by the way is this American poet called Paul Blackburn.

Unknown said...


Whatever little i could understand..this is an intense and nice poem.
