0:3 IST
President General Pervez Musharraf and Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh had a cordial, frank and detailed exchange of views on all aspects of India-Pakistan relations. Desirous of carrying forward the dialogue process, the leaders reiterated their commitments and determination to implement the joint statements of January 6, 2004, September 24, 2004, April 18, 2005 and September 14,2005.
The leaders agreed that the peace process must be maintained and its success was important for both countries and the future of the entire region.
In this context, they directed their Foreign Secretaries to resume the composite dialogue at the earliest possible. The two leaders met in the aftermath of the Mumbai blasts. They strongly condemned all acts of terrorism and agreed that terrorism is a scourge that needs to be effectively dealt with.
They decided to put in place an India-Pakistan anti-terrorism institutional mechanism to identify and implement counter-terrorism initiatives and investigations. The leaders decided to continue the joint search for mutually acceptable options for a peaceful negotiated settlement of all issues between India and Pakistan, including the issue of Jammu and Kashmir, in a sincere and purposeful manner.
On the Jammu and Kashmir issue, there have been useful discussions. There is a need to build on convergences and narrow down divergences. The two leaders also directed the Foreign Secretaries on the following The Foreign Secretaries should meet shortly in New Delhi to continue the composite dialogue.
To arrange consultations for early solution of the Siachen issue. Experts should meet immediately to agree on coordinates for joint survey of Sir Creek and adjoining area, without prejudice to each other’s position on the issue.
The Survey should commence in November 2006. The experts should start discussions on the maritime boundary. The two sides will facilitate implementation of agreements and understandings already reached on LOC-related CBMs, including bus services, crossing points and truck service. The President of Pakistan renewed his invitation to the Prime Minister of India to visit Pakistan.
Thanking the President, the Prime Minister indicated that he looked forward to a purposeful visit at a time to be determined through diplomatic channels.
0:3 IST
President General Pervez Musharraf and Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh had a cordial, frank and detailed exchange of views on all aspects of India-Pakistan relations. Desirous of carrying forward the dialogue process, the leaders reiterated their commitments and determination to implement the joint statements of January 6, 2004, September 24, 2004, April 18, 2005 and September 14,2005.
The leaders agreed that the peace process must be maintained and its success was important for both countries and the future of the entire region.
In this context, they directed their Foreign Secretaries to resume the composite dialogue at the earliest possible. The two leaders met in the aftermath of the Mumbai blasts. They strongly condemned all acts of terrorism and agreed that terrorism is a scourge that needs to be effectively dealt with.
They decided to put in place an India-Pakistan anti-terrorism institutional mechanism to identify and implement counter-terrorism initiatives and investigations. The leaders decided to continue the joint search for mutually acceptable options for a peaceful negotiated settlement of all issues between India and Pakistan, including the issue of Jammu and Kashmir, in a sincere and purposeful manner.
On the Jammu and Kashmir issue, there have been useful discussions. There is a need to build on convergences and narrow down divergences. The two leaders also directed the Foreign Secretaries on the following The Foreign Secretaries should meet shortly in New Delhi to continue the composite dialogue.
To arrange consultations for early solution of the Siachen issue. Experts should meet immediately to agree on coordinates for joint survey of Sir Creek and adjoining area, without prejudice to each other’s position on the issue.
The Survey should commence in November 2006. The experts should start discussions on the maritime boundary. The two sides will facilitate implementation of agreements and understandings already reached on LOC-related CBMs, including bus services, crossing points and truck service. The President of Pakistan renewed his invitation to the Prime Minister of India to visit Pakistan.
Thanking the President, the Prime Minister indicated that he looked forward to a purposeful visit at a time to be determined through diplomatic channels.
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