Saturday, July 29, 2006

Poem : Freudian Register

Freudian Register
Rajesh Sundaram

Sleep...Deep Sleep

controls slip into the hands of the sub-conscious mind

Aware, minutely aware

yet quite and lifeless to the world

Recording in a small red Freudian register

Trap wires, mines, cameras, access control systems

around my vulnerablity

Scanning for miscreants, misdemeanors, felony...acts of aggression

The interior ministry...the brutal secret police

Suspects and leads are handed over as the shift ends at daybreak

The red register changes hands.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is really a mesmerizing poem… A psychoanalysis of what is happening to common people… Though highly political… “Aware, minutely aware… yet quite and lifeless to the world.” These are beautiful expressions. The poem, to me, is a political statement told in a poetic idiom…

Read this: “Scanning for miscreants, misdemeanors, felony...acts of aggression. Suspects and leads are handed over as the shift ends at daybreak.” What an articulation!

I’m sure Rajesh’s experiences in Sri Lanka and other conflict-ridden areas are reflected in this master poem “Freudian Register”.

Keep it up!

Best wishes...